Day 8 - Time Lapse Photography
Last night and tonight I've been learning about time lapse photography on my laptop. Here's what I did, adapted from the tutorial here.
- Make a folder:
mkdir ~/Desktop/cap
cd ~/Desktop/cap
- Install streamer:
sudo apt-get install streamer
- Capture images:
streamer -o 0000.jpeg -s 300x200 -j 100 -t 500 -r .01
- -t is the number of frames we want to capture
- -r is frames per second (so -r .01 is a photo every 100 seconds and -r 1 is a photo every second)
- Install ffmpeg
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
ffmpeg -i %04d.jpeg -r 30 -s hd480 -vcodec libx264 -vpre hq time-lapse.mp4
- This is compressed
ffmpeg -r 12 -i %04d.jpg -vcodec copy time-lapse.mp4
- This is uncompressed
And here's the end result: