Making The Edimax EW-7811UN 150Mbps Wireless Nano USB Adapter Work With Ububtu 13.04
I'm posting this here not because I solved the problem myself but because it was a mighty faff to find the right way to get this thing working without downloading the files via apt-get. It does work (in the end) - here are the steps:
- Since you don't have an internet connection you'll need to download these
twothree files: realtek-8188cus-wireless-drivers-3444749-ubuntu-1304, realtek-8188cus-wireless-drivers-3444749-ubuntu-1304 and DKMS (on which the driver relies) - Navigate to your downloads folder in terminal and install the DKMS dep:
dpkg -i _________.deb
- Install the drivers
- Blacklist the old drivers
sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
by adding the following lines:
# Blacklist native RealTek 8188CUs drivers
blacklist rtl8192cu
blacklist rtl8192c_common
blacklist rtlwifi - Remove the wifi card and reboot